Board Members

The Board of Management steers the not-for-profit business of Arts Margaret River. Its volunteer members are elected for terms of twenty four months at Annual General Meetings held in March each year. The current Board of Management comprises seven members including a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

The key task of the Board is to ensure there are adequate financial and other resources needed to sustain Arts Margaret River’s programs. This involves employing our small professional staff, careful control of all our expenditure, income and community relationships. It also involves overseeing our compliance with the Licence Contract between the Shire of Augusta Margaret River and Arts Margaret River (see below), and with the legal requirements of the State’s Department of Commerce and the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission.

Life Members

Arts Margaret River would like to acknowledge the life members who have contributed to our wonderful organisation in the past. Their contributions and long-term association with Arts Margaret River will not be forgotten.