Sunday Sundowners

Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Arts Margaret River Sundowners in Cowaramup in 2022. 

5pm – 7pm every Sunday in February

Free family friendly concerts in the park. Bring a picnic or purchase food and drinks from local community stalls. Featuring two live bands plus Zumba with Rita from Bellyvision during interval each week.

Presented by Arts Margaret River with support from local businesses.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to Govt regulations, all attendees must show proof of double vaccination to attend. 

Sundowner a3 poster revised line up cropped

A huge “Thank You” to the following businesses for their support: 

Lotterywest supportedlogo colour pos jpg1
Shire logo march 2009
Lionlogo 2c
Logo 2w bizname lge
Sp lime reverse
Cra logo
Zumba with rita
Cowaramup french bakery logo 1 002
Cape grace wines logo 300
Revised logo without mobile
Bettenay logo 2
Cowag logo use this one
Artboard 1mukau
Cowaramup pharmacy logo final 2
Tube nursery