Improvisation Workshop Series

STRETCH YOUR IMPRO MUSCLES Springtime is a great time for getting out and trying new things, whether it’s a new sport, new class or perhaps a new walk. Joining Margot Edwards for Arts Margaret River’s new fortnightly Improvisation series on Saturday mornings at the Cultural Centre will give you all of these in a two hour class over four workshops. Learning improvisation is like a combination of stretching your playful performance muscles combined with the philosophy of tai chi and a bushwalk through life. It’s a safe place to explore how your body can help you overcome the fears in your mind – fantastic fun for anyone who’s inner voice wants to be heard but doesn’t want to speak to a crowd. And if you’re a teacher or facilitator looking for group confidence building games; a performer wanting to explore a bit deeper or enter new territory; or if you’re interested in the idea of offer and acceptance, benevolence and transformation, just trying the first workshop from 9-11am on Saturday, September 6 will give you a taste. Workshops price $25 session or $90 for the series/$80 arts hub/students. Bookings and expressions of interest to Arts Margaret River box office on 9758 7316 or ring Margot on 0420 940 123.