Although David Shelton grew up in central Victoria, more than half of his life has been in Perth. “That’s what happens when you marry a Perth girl” he quips.

For most of his professional life he has been a management consultant. This has had a particular emphasis on strategy and business growth, with many assignments in the arts.  He has also been a business owner and a Director of several enterprises.

David holds an Undergraduate Degree (B.Com) from Curtin University, and an MBA from the University of San Francisco (from the days when they were a rarity). Following years in San Francisco and Melbourne, David and his wife Nicky returned to Perth during Paul Keating’s “recession we had to have” in 1990.

Most recently he was CEO and Executive Director of Community First, a mid-sized not-for-profit providing aged care, disability, mental health, and employment services. Following an 18-month “reverse gap year” travelling through Europe, they decided to resettle in Margaret River. They become permanent residents in December 2019. But he is no stranger to the region, having been a vineyard owner and winemaker in Cowaramup over a 20-year period.

David joined Arts Margaret River as he has a strong interest in the arts. This combines with community consciousness and sense of service. He felt his experience and skills could be useful. Nicky is now an artist who specialises in Australian bird paintings.

David shelton