Anne Shepherdson OAM was born in Perth, Western Australia and completed a degree in Nutrition and a post-graduate degree in Dietetics at the WA Institute of Technology. Anne is Chair of the Arts Hub Committee and was President from 2008 to 2013. She worked at Royal Perth Hospital as a Clinical Dietitian followed by the South West Community Health Service as a Community Dietitian for 30 years. Anne moved to Margaret River in the late seventies to be with her husband, Lloyd. They travelled to many different places in Australia and around the world but always returned to Margaret River as home. Together they have been an integral part of the local community, having established several thriving local businesses in town. Anne first became involved in Arts Margaret River in the early eighties, when it was called the Augusta Margaret River Arts Council, the umbrella group for all arts in the Shire. Anne was the representative for a community craft group, Moondyne Arts and Craft. Through Anne’s long standing association with Arts Margaret River, she has held various positions including Treasurer for about 20 years, Fundraising Coordinator, Matinee Cinema Team Leader, Committee of Management Member and President. Anne has worked relentlessly to promote Arts Margaret River to the community and she has also been a Shire representative on a number of arts related committees. In 2012 Rotary acknowledged this contribution by awarding her a Paul Harris Fellowship for service to the community through the arts.  In 2013 Arts Margaret River honoured Anne for more than thirty years of service by presenting her with a painting. “I believe Arts Margaret River’s very important role is to be the champion for the arts. In so doing, it allows the arts to remain affordable, accessible and continues to add cultural enrichment to all members of the community. The social benefits of the arts in a community are vital for everyone’s good health.”

Anne passed away in July 2024.

Anne shepherdson