The Ballad of Pondlife McGurk

No matter what age you are, The Ballad of Pondlife McGurk is uplifting and completely unforgettable.

Martin’s the new kid at school among a sea of unfamiliar faces. Sharon’s the class bully and she doesn’t like Martin one bit. Then Simon McGurk comes along. He’s wildly different to Martin, but they become the best of buddies. Then, one day, Martin does something that will poison their friendship forever.

Directed by renowned international director Gill Robertson, The Ballad of Pondlife McGurk is an absorbing, funny and heart-felt tale about the fragile nature of friendship and performed by the extraordinary Marko Jovanovic.

Only 120 seats available as The Ballad of Pondlife McGurk has designed to have a small, intimate setting where the audience actively engages and interacts with the actor.

Thursday 10 September,  6.30pm
Margaret River Cultural and Events Centre

Tickets: $17 Adults, $15 Arts Hub Members, $12 Youth, $50 Family (2A & 2C)