Is the Moon a Balloon? It can be. A balloon can be whatever you want it to be!
Using a simple black and white palette and white balloons ranging in sizes from two centimeters to two metres,
The Moon’s a Balloon is a moving and eloquent story that explores childhood play, invention, friendship and connection. Two performers show how we connect and communicate with each other through relationships with people and objects in a highly visual performance that is beautifully complemented by magical lighting, digital imagery and a stunning soundscape. Perfect for 3 – 8 years.
Friday 29 April, 10.30am and 6pm
Margaret River Cultural and Events Centre
Adults: $18, Arts Hub Members: $15, Youth: $12, Family: (2Ad+2ch) $54
Thank you for The Moon’s a Balloon. Visually stunning, great sound, beautifully moved, gorgeous, clever, slick, happy show…I think that it would sit beautifully in the mind of a dreamy, visually adept child, a true gift of an experience…do let me know what its future schedule is like for 2015 and beyond because I would have it here in a heartbeat.
Susannah Sweeney, Adelaide Festival Centre