
Blithe Spirit Simulcast

A live broadcast performance from Perth’s State Theatre Centre of WA, brought to you by Black Swan State Theatre Company.

A hilarious and fantastical comedy about ‘astral bigamy’.

Warring wives, laughter, magic and mayhem – you’ll never get enough of it in this farcical play full of
spectral action.

While researching his next novel, Charles Condomine employs the services of a clairvoyant to see whether
it is possible to contact souls in the afterlife. Unfortunately for Charles, the psychic summons the ghost of
his dead wife, Elvira. It’s soon clear that the morally untidy Elvira wishes to reunite with her husband, much
to the dismay of Charles’ new (and living) wife, Ruth.

Widely considered to be Noël Coward’s greatest work, Blithe Spirit treats its grim subject matter with
gratifying frivolity, offering a playful look at what lies beyond the grave, and what happens when love
comes back to haunt us.

Saturday 1 August, 7.30pm

Tickets: $10 Adults and Youth,  Arts Hub Members and Arts Hub Volunteers: FREE